Saturday, July 11, 2009

It's over

UFC 100 is over but I slept. Gladly, I was able to download a UFC 100 replay video download.

The copy I got was crispy, thanks to the poster of the stuff online. Woot. He made my day.

Training REDS

Yesterday, I had a very productive yet haggard day. It was the first time that our training ended by 9:30pm.

To reward myself, I decided to go to Technohub right after the training. I ate at Kentucky Fried Chicken, then played at the nearby arcade. After playing DDR at the arcade, I was too thirsty so I decided to kill time at Starbucks.

And now, I'm home. I'd love to sleep but I don't want to miss the UFC 100 fight video. It's the 100th UFC, obviously.

Waaaaaaa, I hate being a night person. I can't watch UFC live in here!